Read: The Feast of Saint Patrick | A Note of Clarification March 14, 2023 Diocese of Lansing Many people have asked if the obligation to abstain from meat on each of the Fridays of Lent is being lifted within the Diocese of Lansing this Friday, March 17, the Feast of Saint Patrick. The answer is
Daniel 3:25, 34-43Psalms 25:4-9Matthew 18:21-35 Daniel 3:25, 34-4325 in the fire azariah stood up and prayed aloud: 34 for your name’s sake, do not deliver us up forever, or make void your covenant. 35 do not take away your mercy from us, for the sake of abraham, your beloved, isaac your servant, and israel your
Read: The Lansing Priest at the Papal Funeral | Father James Conlon March 13, 2023 Diocese of Lansing This is a photograph of Father James Conlon, left, concelebrating the Requiem Mass for the repose of the Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on January 5, 2023. RIP. Until a few weeks beforehand, though, Father Conlon
2 Kings 5:1-5Psalms 42:2-3; 43:3-4Luke 4:24-30 2 Kings 5:1-51 na’aman, commander of the army of the king of syria, was a great man with his master and in high favor, because by him the lord had given victory to syria. He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper. 2 now the
Exodus 17:3-7Psalms 95:1-2, 6-9Romans 5:1-2, 5-8John 4:5-42 Exodus 17:3-73 but the people thirsted there for water, and the people murmured against moses, and said, “why did you bring us up out of egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?” 4 so moses cried to the lord, “what shall i do
Micah 7:14-15, 18-20Psalms 103:1-4, 9-12Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Micah 7:14-15, 18-2014 shepherd thy people with thy staff, the flock of thy inheritance, who dwell alone in a forest in the midst of a garden land; let them feed in bashan and gilead as in the days of old. 15 as in the days when you came
Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28Psalms 105:16-21Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-283 now israel loved joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a long robe with sleeves. 4 but when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his
Read: DSA Story #1 | How Your Giving Supports Our Seminarians March 09, 2023 Diocese of Lansing Meet the Diocese of Lansing seminarians, above, who are helped by your generous giving to the Diocesan Service Appeal. Thank you. God bless you. “The generosity of people is humbling,” says seminarian, Deacon Seamus Kettner, in the latest edition
Jeremiah 17:5-10Psalms 1:1-4, 6Luke 16:19-31 Jeremiah 17:5-105 thus says the lord: “cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the lord. 6 he is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of
Jeremiah 18:18-20Psalms 31:5-6, 14-16Matthew 20:17-28 Jeremiah 18:18-2018 then they said, “come, let us make plots against jeremiah, for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not heed any of his words.” 19