Bishop Earl Boyea cordially invites you to participate in a Year of the Bible Webinar on Tuesday, March 16, at 8pm when Dr. Mary Healy of Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit explains how to read and pray with the Gospel of Saint Mark. Here is the Zoom link:
* Topic: Dr. Mary Healy’s Bishop’s Year of the Bible Webinar on Reading and Praying with the Gospel of Saint Mark.
* Time: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
* Join Zoom Meeting:
So far, over 12,000 people have signed up to receive the daily biblical text and commentary from the Diocese of Lansing. This webinar will precede the Bishop’s Year of the Bible reading the 16 chapters of the Gospel of Mark from Saturday, March 20, through until Easter Sunday on April 4.
“You will not find the long speeches of Jesus found in the other Gospels,” says Bishop Boyea of the Gospel of Mark.
“Rather, we will see Jesus demonstrating the power of God by his words and deeds. There seems to be a great focus on exorcisms and miracles, especially in the presence of crowds of people.”
“Jesus, in Mark’s Gospel promotes the Kingdom of God as his mission and Mark emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God who announces this great news.” Saint Mark, pray for us!
• To join Bishop Boyea’s Year of the Bible just text BYOB – that stands for Bishop’s Year of the Bible – to 84576.