Watch: Week 47 | On the Road to Emmaus w/ Bishop Boyea | Pray for your local bishop


Watch: Week 47 | On the Road to Emmaus w/ Bishop Boyea | Pray for your local bishop

May 3, 2024
Feast of Saints Philip and James

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,    
There are two living persons who are always prayed for by name during Holy Mass: The present pope and the local bishop. As Bishop of Lansing, thank you for those prayers. Please know that I am sustained by them daily. 
The English term “bishop” derives from the Greek word epískopos meaning “overseer”. Greek was the language of the early Church. The first bishops were the twelve apostles appointed by Jesus Christ. To this day, every bishop stands in an unbroken line of succession back to the Twelve and, thus, to Christ himself. The task entrusted to each bishop is threefold. He is to teach, govern and sanctify those Christian souls entrusted to his care, usually within the bounds of a particular ecclesial territory known as a diocese. The term diocese, again, comes from a Greek word, dioikesis, meaning “government, administration, or province.”
Like any Christian vocation, the duties of the episcopate can only be fulfilled faithfully through a life of prayer. That’s the personal prayer of the bishop himself and the prayers of the faithful for their bishop. Hence, my challenge this week: Please pray for your bishop using the text as prescribed by the Roman Missal. Let’s pray together: 
O God, eternal shepherd of the faithful,
who tend your Church in countless ways
and rule over her in love,
grant, we pray, that Earl, your servant,
whom you have set over your people,
may preside in the place of Christ
over the flock whose shepherd he is,
and be faithful as a teacher of doctrine,
a Priest of sacred worship
and as one who serves them by governing.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

To reflect upon the significance of this prayer, I am delighted to introduce a short film featuring a former priest of the Diocese of Lansing who is now the Bishop of Salina in Kansas. He is the Most Reverend Jerry Vincke. Enjoy the film! 

+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing

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