Watch: Week 13 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Mission: Form Small Groups


Watch: Week 13 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea | Mission: Form Small Groups

My sisters and brothers in the Lord,

Welcome to week thirteen of BMW, Be My Witnesses. Now, enough of the praying, learning, and knowing that we belong to something bigger than ourselves. Let us move on to actual mission. This will be a bit more challenging, but flows from what we have been meditating on so far. We need to be part of a small group.

Mission: Form Small Groups:

We know that Jesus had crowds follow him. We know that there was a group of women also who closely supported him and his ministry. We also know that he sent out 72 to announce the coming of the Kingdom of God. We further know that after prayer, he chose 12 to be his apostles, no doubt connecting this to the 12 tribes of Israel. Finally, however, he seems to have chosen quite deliberately three to be part of his small group: Peter, James and John. We might ask, “Why them?” But that would be a pointless question.

Instead, let’s look at what they did as a small group. After Synagogue worship, Jesus went to Simon Peter’s home with James and John and there cured Simon’s Mother-in-law (Mark 1:29-31). Jesus saw someone in need and responded. His small group may have been more amazed than inwardly challenged to respond likewise, but still they were witnesses. These three fishermen, along with Simon’s brother, Andrew, were the first called. James and John, called by Jesus the “sons of thunder,” must have been quite rowdy. Maybe that is why Jesus took to them.

When the synagogue official, Jairus, asked Jesus to heal his daughter, the Messiah arrived too late. Still with this small group present, he raised the little girl from the dead. Then he ordered his friends not to speak of the matter (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43).

These men were to ponder and internalize what they had seen and heard. But they were to see yet more. On Mount Tabor, these three witnessed the Transfiguration of Jesus. They clearly did not understand what this was all about, but were told by the Heavenly Father simply to listen to Jesus (Mark 9:2-8). Finally, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus took these three to watch and pray while he spoke with the Father. We know they fell asleep, no doubt due to the big supper they had just eaten and to the late hour.

In all these cases, Jesus was sharing with this small band of friends his relationship with his Father and the mysteries of his own identity. He was open with them and clearly wanted to be with them. Later, they advanced the Kingdom of God. They are only three of the twelve apostles who are even mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles. Jesus needed them and by their leadership, martyrdom, and witnessing to the Lord they shared with us their friendship with Jesus.

While this does not paint a full picture of what a small group should be, it clearly demonstrates that we should not expect to be missionary disciples of the Lord on our own. We need to be intentional about this and meet regularly. This is not to create disciples, but rather a banding of disciples so as to go out to others.

My Challenge:

So, my challenge for this week is to begin the process of being with two other disciples and discuss how you three might listen to one another, strengthen one another, and challenge one another to go forth and be witnesses of Jesus. Until next week, may God Bless you.

I am sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Earl Boyea
Bishop of Lansing

P.S. Below is a video version of this week’s Be My Witnesses. Please do share with family and friends. Thank you. God bless you.

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