Watch: Palm Sunday Mass with Bishop Earl Boyea


Watch: Palm Sunday Mass with Bishop Earl Boyea

Watch Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing offer Palm Sunday Mass from Saint Thomas Aquinas Church in East Lansing. Click this link to watch:…/…/040520m.mp4

The Mass will also be broadcast on television at 10:00am on WLAJ Lansing TV53, and at 10:00am on WBSF-TV Flint Channel 46 (CW Network). It can also be listened to on radio at 11:00am on WJIM-AM 1240, Lansing, and Good Shepherd Catholic Radio Jackson at 12:00pm on 1510-AM and 93.3-FM.

Concelebrating Holy Mass with Bishop Boyea are Father Gordon Reigle, Father Gary Koenigsknecht, and Father Matthew Bonk. Assisting them at the altar is Deacon Michael Cassar.

Today is Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. For those of us unable to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion today, it is advised that we pray a Spiritual Communion during Holy Mass, such as:

“I wish, my Lord and my God, to receive You with the purity, humility and love with which your Most Holy Mother received You, and with the fervor and spirit of the Saints.”

Have a happy and holy Sunday!

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