Diocese of Lansing seminarian Joshua Luttig says seminary has been the “best four years” of his life.
23-year-old Josh, who hails from the parish of Holy Trinity in Fowler, says he felted repeatedly “nudged” towards the Sacred Priesthood from the age of seven onwards.
During his high school years, Joshua finally applied for seminary. At the same time, he attended a retreat focusing upon the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives including one prayer session led by a group of seminarians.
“And eventually, one of the seminarians opened his eyes and looked right at me and he started walking up to me, and I was I was kind of afraid, but he walked up and said, ‘Before I even opened my eyes, the Lord highlighted you in the crowd, and he wants you to be a shepherd of his people, you have a special mark on your soul’. So, at that point. That was a large confirmation for my vocation and that gave me a lot of peace after applying.”
Joshua is now studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit on his path to the Priesthood. Deo volente. Please keep Joshua in your prayers in the months and years to come. Saint Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, pray for him.
• Do you also feel that Almighty God may be to the Sacred Priesthood? Contact Father John Whitlock, Director of Seminarians for the Diocese of Lansing on 517-342-2507 or at jwhitlock@dioceseoflansing.org