Watch: My Sisterhood Story | Sister Mary Luke Feldpausch


Watch: My Sisterhood Story | Sister Mary Luke Feldpausch

If you only watch one minute of video today then watch this as Sister Mary Luke Feldpausch, a novice with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, gives an emotional and beautiful response to the question: “What advice would you give to your 7th Grade self?”

“I want to say: You are loved more than you know and God has a plan for you,” replies Sister Mary Luke who hails from Most Holy Trinity Parish in Fowler.

“He is faithful. Don’t give up. He will have the answers and He will draw you to himself and loves you more than anyone else ever could.”

“He’s all that you need. You will experience His love through other people but only His love will ever satisfy you.”

* Do you feel that God may be calling you to Consecrated Life? Contact Dawn Hausmann, Director of Consecrated Vocations for the Diocese of Lansing, at or 517-342-2506.

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