Watch: Diocese of Lansing Podcast #18: Pete Burak on Millennials, Generation Z and the New Evangelization.


Watch: Diocese of Lansing Podcast #18: Pete Burak on Millennials, Generation Z and the New Evangelization.

Pete Burak is a popular Catholic evangelist, speaker and writer. He is the Director of the Ann Arbor-based i.d. which exists to form young adults into intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. He is also married to Cait. They have two daughters, Grace and Erin, and two sons, Donovan and Zeke.

In this Diocese of Lansing Podcast, the Diocesan Director of Communications, David Kerr, asks Pete:

• What are the hallmarks of those young adults – Millennials and Generation Z – in terms of what they believe and how they live?

• What are the questions and stumbling blocks that young adults have when faced with the Christian proposition?

• How do Catholics – clergy and lay faithful – best respond to those questions and stumbling blocks in order to help young adults grow closer to Jesus Christ?

Diocese of Lansing Podcast #18 Recorded November 25, 2020

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