Watch: Day 6: Bishop Boyea on Seven Words of Jesus to the Churches: “I have left an open door before you."


Watch: Day 6: Bishop Boyea on Seven Words of Jesus to the Churches: “I have left an open door before you.”

According to the author of the Book of Revelation, the concluding book of the Bible, Jesus Christ directed letters to seven Churches in present-day western Turkey.

All these letters have the same structure. They begin with the name of the Church. Then Jesus uses a different image in each one to identify himself after which he makes a judgment about that Church. He provides a particular exhortation for that Church followed by a general exhortation to all who will hear and a promise of a reward to the victors.

Jesus’ sixth letter is to the Church of Philadelphia, the modern city of Alashehir, at the center of which still exist the remains of a basilica. It is 40 kilometers south-east of Sardis.

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