Watch: Day 5: Bishop Boyea & Seven Words of the Risen Lord: “Put your finger here” (John 20:27)


Jesus is the way to Happiness

Watch: Day 5: Bishop Boyea & Seven Words of the Risen Lord: “Put your finger here” (John 20:27)

Do you ever entertain doubts regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ? In today’s meditation upon the divine utterances of the Risen Lord, Bishop Earl Boyea ponders the loving response of Christ to the Apostle Thomas who also doubted the Resurrection: “Put your finger here” (John 20:27)

“I wonder if Thomas ever actually cast his hand into Jesus’ side. The Gospel text does not tell us. Instead, all we get out of Thomas is a powerful expression of faith, ‘My Lord and my God’,” says Bishop Boyea.

“Every time I lift the consecrated host or the precious chalice of his Blood at Mass I say these same words, ‘My Lord and my God’.”

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