Watch: Book of Revelation Explained w/ Bishop Earl Boyea | Bishop's Year of the Bible | November 6, 2021


Watch: Book of Revelation Explained w/ Bishop Earl Boyea | Bishop’s Year of the Bible | November 6, 2021

Welcome to the final book of Bishop Boyea’s the Year of the Bible, the Book of Revelation. Why has Bishop Boyea chosen to conclude the Year of the Bible with the last book of the Bible? Here’s his explanation:

Hello, I am Bishop Earl Boyea of the Diocese of Lansing. Well, we are nearing the end of our Year of the Bible. For these last 22 days (November 6th through the 27th) we will be reading the Book of Revelation. This is my favorite book of the Bible and I have taught a class on this book many times. I know that some may think it a scary book due to the incredible imagery. However, let us keep this in mind. The Book of Revelation is all about the triumph of God. God will win out in the end. The call to us, as we read this book and reflect on its content, is to ask ourselves which side we want to be on.

After a brief introduction in chapter one, we are led to hear seven letters from Jesus to Churches in present-day western Turkey. This is then followed by the Heavenly liturgy in chapters four and five. Then ensue a series of seven seals being opened and seven trumpets being sounded from chapters six through eleven. The Great Sign of the Woman, chapter 12, the sign of the Beast, chapter 13, and the sign of the Lamb, chapter 14, take us to the concluding rites. These include the end of the Prostitute, chapters 17 and 18, Christ’s intervention, chapter 19, the end of the Dragon and of death, chapter 20, and the general renewal and the Heavenly Jerusalem, chapters 21 and 22.

People throughout history have tried to see here a blueprint for what was happening in their own times and have made all kinds of claims about this. None have worked out as they thought. This should give us caution as we read this text. Instead, this book contains images and themes which must challenge all of us, in every age, to side with Christ. Much like life today, God’s work in achieving his Kingdom may seem to be overwhelmed by evil or confusion. But Jesus has already triumphed.

Sisters and brothers, that triumph of the Lord Jesus needs to be worked out in each one of us. This is a book to move us to rejoice, especially as we say in the end, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

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