Watch: Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 20 with Dominic Michalik, Bishop's Year of the Bible


Watch: Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 20 with Dominic Michalik, Bishop’s Year of the Bible

Well, today Bishop Boyea’s Year of the Bible reached Chapter 20 of the Book of Jeremiah. Here is the link to the chapter:​

So what is God saying to us in this passage? To help us prayerfully ponder that question, here is a short reflection by Dominic Michalik of the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan.

Dominic has a B.A. from Franciscan University, Steubenville, and an M.A. from Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit. For more information on the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan go to:​

Beginning in Advent 2020, Bishop Earl Boyea’s Year of the Bible is leading people on a day-by-day journey through the Holy Bible. So far, over 12,000 people have signed up. To subscribe go to Bishop’s Year of the Bible, text BYOB to 84576.

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