Well, today Bishop Boyea’s Year of the Bible reached Chapter 20 of the Book of Jeremiah. Here is the link to the chapter: https://dioceseoflansing.org/jeremiah-20
So what is God saying to us in this passage? To help us prayerfully ponder that question, here is a short reflection by Dominic Michalik of the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan.
Dominic has a B.A. from Franciscan University, Steubenville, and an M.A. from Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit. For more information on the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan go to: https://cbsmich.org/
Beginning in Advent 2020, Bishop Earl Boyea’s Year of the Bible is leading people on a day-by-day journey through the Holy Bible. So far, over 12,000 people have signed up. To subscribe go to Bishop’s Year of the Bible, text BYOB to 84576.