The seven days after Christmas are laden with significant feast days. Traditionally, the Church celebrates the Feast of Saint John the Apostle upon December 27. Saint John was one of the Apostles of Jesus Christ and is generally regarded as youngest of the Twelve and “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (see John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2). The Apostle John is traditionally considered the author the Gospel of Saint John, the latest of the four gospels, and also of three New Testament letters and the Book of Revelation. Here is Bishop Boyea’s reflection upon the Feast of Saint John the Apostle:
“Saint John begins his first letter with these words, “What we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life—for the life was made visible; he have seen it and testify to it” (I John 1:1-2). What a great way to celebrate Christmas. Someone who saw Jesus, who heard Jesus, who touched Jesus, now tells us all about Jesus.”
“Besides his three letters, John also wrote a Gospel, giving us a testimony about the Lord from John’s own loving point of view. John gives this view because he is convinced that “God is love” and that we only know about God by loving (I John 4:8-11). In this we are to imitate the Son of God who manifested that love by dying for our salvation. That little child we celebrate this week is a manifestation of real love.”
“At the end of the Gospel, we are presented with two words of Jesus about John. First of all, Jesus gives his mother to John and John to his mother (John 19:26-27). John truly is family and through him we are all linked to Mary and her son, Jesus. Later, after the Resurrection, Peter wanted to know John’s fate to which Jesus replied, “What if I want him to remain until I come?” (John 21:22). John’s future was in Jesus’ hands, as, in fact, is the case with all of us.”
“John then ends his Gospel with these words, “It is this disciple who testifies to these things…. There are many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written” (John 21:24-25).”
“Sisters and brothers, St. John has given us such a beautiful testimony about Jesus. He was able to do so because he was a disciple and knew himself to be a beloved disciple. That is what each of us is called to become. As we gaze upon that Christmas child, we are summoned to become his follower, to become one with him and like him, and then show that to others. We are called to love.”
* First broadcast December 27, 2021