Statement: Update regarding the Reverend Richard Lobert, May 20, 2021


Statement: Update regarding the Reverend Richard Lobert, May 20, 2021

Statement: Update regarding the Reverend Richard Lobert, May 20, 2021

The Reverend Richard Lobert was placed on ministerial leave from his post as Chaplain to Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor in December 2020 pending an investigation by The Office of the Attorney General of the State of Michigan. In doing so, both the Diocese of Lansing and Father Lobert’s home diocese, the Archdiocese of Baltimore, removed Father Lobert’s priestly faculties.

The Diocese of Lansing has now learned that the Office of the Attorney General has closed its investigation into Father Lobert and that the Attorney General will not be bringing charges.

Throughout the Attorney General’s investigation, the Diocese cooperated with the Office of the Attorney General. The Diocese is grateful for the Attorney General’s attention to this matter and remains committed to cooperating with law enforcement regarding all allegations of criminal misconduct.

Now that the Attorney General’s investigation has been completed, the Diocese of Lansing and Archdiocese of Baltimore are free to proceed with the obligatory canonical investigation. In the meantime, Father Lobert will remain without his priestly faculties as required by canon law. Such an investigation carries no presumption of guilt. In order not to prejudice the investigation, no more information can be shared publicly until the matter has been adjudicated by the Holy See.

A priest of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Father Lobert has served the school community at Father Gabriel Richard High School as chaplain since 1995; while Father Lobert has not had any other assignments within the Diocese of Lansing, he has from time to time assisted at other parishes within the diocese, including regularly at Holy Spirit in Hamburg. In April 2021, Father Lobert resigned his position as chaplain at Fr. Gabriel Richard High School.


The Diocese of Lansing expects that all diocesan employees, clergy, and volunteers will exemplify the moral teachings of Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church in their personal and professional life. See Diocesan Code of Conduct. Anyone wishing to report misconduct may do so here.

If anyone has reason to suspect physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any person of any age, please contact Protective Services or the police, as appropriate. If abuse by anyone connected to the Church is suspected, please also contact our Victim Assistance Coordinator at (888) 308-6252 or email: Anyone reporting clergy abuse can do so directly to the Michigan Attorney General here or by calling the investigation hotline at 844-324-3374.

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