Here are some images from the Feast of All Souls, November 2, at Saint Joseph Cemetery in Lansing as the cremated mortal remains of 53 adults and 5 infants, which had gone uncollected over the past year, were given a fitting and prayerful interment. May they rest in peace.
“As Catholics we turn to our Lord this day, All Souls’ Day, to pray in a particular way for our beloved dead and, so, it was my honor to gather with Catholics from across the Lansing area to pray for those that didn’t have anyone to see to their final disposition and to pray for them,” explained Jim Collom of Saint Martha Parish, Okemos, who organized the interment service.
Jim is a candidate for the permanent diaconate for the Diocese of Lansing. He undertook to organize the burying of the dead as a corporal work of mercy.
“The people remembered today were beloved children of God and they are deserving of the dignity and respect of a proper interment,” he added.
The cremated remains were garnered from the Sparrow Medical Examiner’s Office, which provides services to seven mid-Michigan counties, and also from local funeral homes. Holy Mass was offered for the dead by Father Joe Campbell, Chaplain to Lansing Catholic High School. Meanwhile, a guard of honor for the remains was provided by the City of Lansing Police Department.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.