Meet the Labroff family from Canton in Michigan. Pictured is dad, David, along with mom, Nicole, and their two daughters, 15-year-old Kaitlyn and 18-year-old Lauren.
Despite being parishioners of their local Catholic parish, the Labroff family chose to educate their daughters at local public schools. That was until three years ago when events prompted the family to opt for a Catholic education at Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor.
The Labroffs are part of a growing number of families who are quoting the public school system in favor of Catholic schools. Dad, David Labroff, now explains why they took that decision and why they still give thanks to God that they did. He writes:
“My daughters were thriving students in the Plymouth-Canton public school district. They had exceptional grades, were on the National Honor Society, and were chosen by their peers and teachers to be in leadership roles, were student athletes; participating in four sports combined. The learning environment they were a part of seemed to be a positive and flourishing one.”
“Something changed and it changed quickly. A pandemic hit and, all of a sudden, their world turned upside down. Our world turned upside down. Schools and classrooms closed and after school activities were cancelled. Learning was not happening and kids had nothing productive to do. On top of all of this, an election came too.”
“It didn’t take long for anxiety levels to be high among students and teachers. We perceived a quick change in the Plymouth-Canton public schools. It seemed to no longer a thriving, healthy environment for our daughters. We were concerned for them and for other students. Study habits were declining, there were no healthy outlets for them anymore, since sports were canceled and there was a division among students. Hallways, and even being online, didn’t seem safe anymore. Students were no longer free to be themselves and express their own views and values without being judged and ridiculed by both students and teachers. That was our experience.”
“Being concerned, we reached out to teachers, administrators, the school board and the superintendent. We didn’t feel we were getting any help. We wrote letters, sent emails and made many phone calls; but nobody seemed to care.”
“Our daughters and other students were hurting socially, emotionally, academically and even their faith and beliefs were being challenged and cancelled in the public schools. We now knew we had no choice but to leave the public school system.”
“Our family has always had a strong faith and, so, we started touring Catholic high schools near our home. We knew it would be financially difficult, but would be worth the sacrifice to save our daughters from the harm we felt was being done by the public schools.”
“My daughters have now been at Father Gabriel Richard in Ann Arbor for a year and half and it has been a blessing and, yes, worth the financial sacrifice. They are once again thriving academically, socially, and emotionally.”
“My husband and I see the light in them shining again that was being dimmed. When they need help academically or emotionally, the staff, teachers, students at Father Gabriel Richard are all there for them. They are known, they are loved and they are cared for. They are also being nurtured in a positive and flourishing environment, as all students should be.”
“With hindsight, we now realize that something else was missing from a public school education. My daughters’ faith and their relationship with Jesus are stronger than ever and they are building healthy relationships with their classmates and their teachers.”
“When we first came to Father Gabriel Richard, we were told that ‘the public schools provide the milk; we provide the milk and the honey’. The ‘honey’ was missing and we are so happy and grateful for a Catholic school education for our children. We feel blessed to have the opportunity to share our story in the hope that others will be inspired to join the Catholic school family.”
* Do you want to know more about a Catholic education for your child or grandchild? Go to: