Read: "Why we should all volunteer for 40 Days for Life this Lent" by Jenny Ingles


Read: “Why we should all volunteer for 40 Days for Life this Lent” by Jenny Ingles

The annual pro-life campaign, 40 Days for Life, gets underway this week in three locations across the Diocese of Lansing: Flint, Ann Arbor and Lansing.

“There can be few better ways to fulfilling the Lenten disciplines of prayer, penance and almsgiving than volunteering for 40 Days for Life,” says Jenny Ingles, Director of Fertility and Life Ministries for the Diocese of Lansing, March 6.

“By sacrificing even just one hour a week we give witness to the dignity of all human life, provide solace and support to pregnant mothers in distress, and afford ourselves that golden Lenten opportunity to do prayer and penance while also performing a good work.”

“That’s why I enthusiastically endorse 40 Days for Life within the Diocese of Lansing and commend it to others during this Lenten season.”

40 Days for Life came into existence in the year 2004 when four pro-life activists in Texas felt called by God to launch a 40-day campaign of prayer, fasting, and community outreach to end abortion. The organization now has a presence all across the United States and in over 60 other countries.

* To volunteer in Ann Arbor, go to:

* To volunteer in Flint, go to:

* To volunteer in Lansing, go to:

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