Todd Minock is a husband, father-of-three and grandfather-of-four. All his family are Catholic but Todd isn’t …. until now! 64-year-old Todd will be received into the Catholic Church on Saturday evening at the Easter Vigil at Saint John in Fenton. Deo gratias. Here’s Todd’s story in his own words:
“First, I would like to say the Saint John’s Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) class is one of the best opportunities I have experienced. This process is a relaxed atmosphere full of information that makes a catechumen very comfortable in becoming a Catholic.”
“My wife is a cradle Catholic, and we had our marriage recognized by the church so our kids could be baptized and confirmed. “
“I have always supported the Catholic faith and I have always believed. I just never took the steps to even though I attended Mass many times over the years.”
“Prayers were never difficult for me and I believed I was heard as there were a couple events in my life where I know Jesus was there supporting me (Serious heart issues resulting into a heart transplant and skin cancer with radiation).”
“Life is less busy since my retirement and one day at Mass we watched a video about RCIA, and I looked over to my wife Janet and said, I should do that process. I have always felt I needed to do something, but I wasn’t aware of RCIA.”
“I had learned that my family were Catholics a few generations back but for some reason the Minocks strayed. I also learned I have family in the old cemetery at our church, Saint Johns in Fenton. It was time I closed the loop to become Catholic myself.”
“Jesus has touched my hearts many times and, luckily, he also loves my new heart. My personality can be kind of rough at times but when Jesus touches me I get pretty soft, which feels wonderful.”
“Thank you for your time in reading my story.”
Please keep Todd and his family in your prayers in the coming days and months. Saint John, pray for them. Our Lady, Mother of the Church, pray for them.