Read: Realign Resources for Mission Committee: Key Findings and Recommendations, November 18, 2021


Read: Realign Resources for Mission Committee: Key Findings and Recommendations, November 18, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021
The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul

Dear Brother and Sister in Christ,

Welcome to this week’s Realign Resources for Mission Weekly Update. As the title of this week’s e-mail suggests, this one is the big one: The public release of the Key Findings and Recommendations of the Diocese of Lansing’s Realign Resources for Mission Committee. 

Over the past two years, our 14-person committee has prayed, studied, consulted, discussed and discerned the way forward for the parishes, schools and other agencies of the Diocese of Lansing in order to help our diocese better fulfill the divine mission given to us by Jesus Christ:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you,” Matthew 28:19-20.

Thank you for all your feedback, support and, most crucially, your prayers over these past two years. As with any apostolic undertaking, the Realign Resources for Mission process is primarily a supernatural endeavor. It’s fruitfulness in forming new “communities of missionary disciples” will rise or fall according to the measure of our prayer, our penance and our faithful response to the promptings of divine grace.  

These recommendations have now been humbly submitted to Bishop Earl Boyea under the patronage of Mary the Immaculate Conception to whom our diocese is entrusted. Bishop Boyea is presently giving them his prayerful consideration and will respond in due course. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you. God bless you.

Yours sincerely in Christ, 

The Realign Resources for Mission Committee 

Fr. Mathias Thelen (St. Patrick, Brighton), Chairman 
Deb Amato (St. Joseph, Howell) 
Fr. Bob Bacik (St. Gerard, Lansing) 
Pete Burak (Christ the King, Ann Arbor) 
Fr. Chas Canoy (St. John, Jackson) 
David Kerr (Resurrection, Lansing) 
George Landolt (St. Mary, Williamston) 
Tom Maloney (St. Thomas/St. John, East Lansing) 
Fr. Steve Mattson (Resurrection, Lansing) 
Steve Nowaczewski (St. Joseph, Ypsilanti) 
Fr. Jim Rolph (Powers Catholic, Flint) 
Terri Witt (St. Robert, Flushing) 
Deacon Devon Wolfe (St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton)

Watch: In the following brief video, Father Mathias Thelen, Chairman of the Realign Resources for Mission Committee, gives his overview of the committee’s Key Findings and Recommendations which are now with Bishop Earl Boyea for his prayerful consideration.

Read: Well, here it is! The Key Findings and Recommendations of the Diocese of Lansing’s Realign Resources for Mission Committee. Happy reading! Just click on the button below to access today’s report: 

This Week’s Friday Prayer Intention: 

Pray for Bishop Earl Boyea as he gives prayerful consideration to the Realign Resources for Mission Committee’s Key Findings and Recommendations. Amen.

Guidelines for Friday Prayer:

Prayer: At three o’clock each Friday afternoon pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To help with prayer, Eucharistic Adoration from Saint Mary Cathedral in Lansing will be live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook. If you can’t manage to pray at 3pm? Just say the Holy Rosary whenever you can.

Fasting: The present norms for fasting suggest that we eat no more than one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. It is also permissible to attempt a strict fast. A penitent’s age and health should always be taken into consideration before fasting.

Almsgiving: Giving alms is a “work of justice pleasing to God” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2462). Hence, each Friday we should donate money or goods to the poor or perform another act of charity. Let’s not reach sundown on a Friday without having poured out some of the content of our heart or our wallet or both during the day.

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