Read: My Story of Sisterhood: Sister Mary Luke Feldpausch


Read: My Story of Sisterhood: Sister Mary Luke Feldpausch

Meet Sister Mary Luke Feldpausch, a novice with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan. 28-year-old Sister Mary Luke is a native of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Fowler. Here is her story of sisterhood:

“Though I first felt called to religious life in fifth grade, the ‘when, where, and how’ was not so clear. I went in spurts of discernment in high school, undergrad, and during medical school when I would discern religious life for a bit and then attempt to walk away from the call. The Lord’s call for my undivided love became so persistent and irresistible that after three years of medical school, I took a leave of absence to enter the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan!”

“It has now been a little over a year since I entered, and as I drink in His inexhaustible goodness, sometimes I wonder to myself, ‘Why was I afraid?’ I have found that the Lord alone can quench the thirsting of my soul, His faithfulness is truly everlasting, and all that I ever sought for may be found in Him. I am so thankful for my vocation and the privilege to be His alone!”

* Do you feel that God may be calling you to Consecrated Life? Contact Dawn Hausmann, Director of Consecrated Vocations for the Diocese of Lansing, at or 517-342-2506.

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