This year the Feast of Saint Patrick is outranked in the liturgical calendar by the Fifth Sunday in Lent. However, many folk across the Diocese of Lansing will still raise a prayer, and a glass, this Sunday in honor of the patron saint of the Irish including Father Tom Wasilewski who is pastor of Old Saint Patrick in Ann Arbor. Father Wasilewski now explains why Saint Patrick is worthy of our veneration. He writes:
Saint Patrick of Ireland (born 385 in Roman Britain) is a real person who evangelized the pagans and druids of Ireland in the 400’s! The grace of God worked through Saint Patrick to such a degree, that he is still honored in Ireland and wherever Irish people settled 1500 years later!
It is a privilege to pastor a parish founded by Irish immigrants in the 1830’s, the first English speaking parish in the state of Michigan. While most of the original Irish families have moved on or been absorbed into the American culture, Saint Patrick’s name remains on our parish!
This holy young man was captured by Irish raiders and brought to Ireland at the age of 14-years! He was put to work herding sheep as a slave. It was out in the open country where Saint Patrick learned deep contemplative prayer. He recounts in his Confessio that he would pray “over a 100 times a day.” God was forming the young Patrick into the priest and bishop who would evangelize a whole country!
Father Tom Wasilewski, pastor of Old Saint Patrick in Ann Arbor
Six years later, through instructions in a dream, God rescued Patrick from Ireland and he was reunited with family in Britain. While studying for the priesthood at a monastery, Patrick, again in a dream, saw the Irish people begging him to return and teach them about God. This was a risky proposition, as the druids had already repelled or killed other Christian missionaries.
Saint Patrick, however, followed the voice of God, trusting in His protection. His great faith, brought about miracles, God saved him over and over from attempts on his life. Slowly the pagan chieftains and druids of Ireland began to listen to Saint Patrick and Catholic churches and monasteries were established.
The story of Saint Patrick is filled with miracles, some grew slightly embellished by history, but nevertheless the impact of Saint Patrick’s faith and God’s miraculous intervention converted a whole nation!
We need more people like Saint Patrick today, when much of Western society has turned from the roots of their Christian faith. Saint Patrick, patron of Ireland, evangelizer and man of faith – pray for us!