Read: Feast of Saint James | The Power of Pilgrimage w/ Bishop Earl Boyea


Read: Feast of Saint James | The Power of Pilgrimage w/ Bishop Earl Boyea

Today is the Feast of Saint James the Apostle. Happy feast day! The brother of Saint John, James was beheaded in Jerusalem in 42 or 43 A.D. upon the orders of Herod Agrippa. The Camino de Santiago or Way of Saint James pilgrimage to the apostle’s tomb in the Spanish city of Compostela has drawn great numbers from the Middle Ages to the present day. Why? Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing suggests the following:
“There is something about pilgrimages, about journeying. They remind us that our time here on earth is as a pilgrim. We are not meant to be here forever. We are only passing a time here. How shall we use that time? If we see ourselves as fellow pilgrims with others, there is then born in us a great desire to care for our neighbor.”
“Make a pilgrimage. Make a pilgrimage with others. Make sure that a part of that includes walking, if you are able. Keep your eyes on your companions, on the path, and on the goal, Jesus Christ.”
“We have the Shrine of St. Joseph down in Brooklyn, Michigan. There are also many outdoor shrines as well as beautiful Churches in our diocese. Journey to one you may have never seen. And realize that the most important companion of all is right there with you – our Lord himself, Jesus Christ.”
Saint James, pray for us!
• For more information regarding pilgrimage sites in Michigan:

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