Read: Feast of Saint Blaise | "Why you should have your throat blessed" explained by Father Tim Nelson MD


Read: Feast of Saint Blaise | “Why you should have your throat blessed” explained by Father Tim Nelson MD

Tomorrow, Saturday February 3, is the Feast of Saint Blaise upon when it is customary in many parishes to bless the throats of the faithful with two candles tied together with a red ribbon to form a cross. But why? Father Tim Nelson is pastor of Saint Mary, Star of the Sea, in Jackson and a retired medical doctor. He writes:

“As a priest and physician (retired), I am always amazed at the integrated unity of the mind, body and spirit in each of us. As Psalm 139:13-14 says, ‘O Lord, for you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am wondrously made. Wonderful are your works!’”

“Because we are wonderfully made with a unity of mind, body and spirit, it’s understandable that the Blessing of the Throat on the feast of Saint Blaise is good and helpfully. When we receive this blessing with Faith and Trust that the Lord is working powerfully in our lives according to His Holy Will, wonderful things are possible.”

“May the Lord bless you and may Saint Blaise intercede for all your health needs.”

The rite of the blessing of throats may take place before or after Holy Mass. The priest or deacon places the candles around the throat of whoever seeks the blessing, using the formula:

“Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you free from every disease of the throat, and from every other disease. In the name of the Father and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

To find your nearest Mass for tomorrow go to:

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