Read: "Do the little things" | Life Lessons from Saint David of Wales by James Owens


Read: “Do the little things” | Life Lessons from Saint David of Wales by James Owens

My grandmother, an immigrant from Wales, often spoke of her homeland with deep pride, writes James Owens upon the Feast of Saint David, Patron of Wales, March 1.

James is a licensed mental health counselor and the founder of Three Story Mountain, a Catholic mental health apostolate. He is a parishioner at Church of the Resurrection in Lansing where he lives with his wife, a teacher at Lansing Catholic High School, and their young son.⁣ James continues:

The Welsh people, shaped by the rugged landscape of the western shores of the U.K., are known for their resilience, humility, and rich cultural heritage. Even the Welsh flag, boldly adorned with a red dragon on a field of green and white, stands apart from the many striped and patterned flags of Europe. Wales’ distinctiveness is mirrored in its patron saint, Saint David— a man whose life, though lived over 1,500 years ago, still speaks profoundly to us today.⁣

⁣Born around 500 AD during a violent storm, Saint David’s birth symbolizes a truth I encounter daily as a mental health counselor: each of us is born into storms. Some arise in our homes, others in our society and culture, and some — like those Christ himself faced — even within our religious communities. Yet, like David, we are called to rely on God in the midst of these storms, trusting that His presence will guide us through.⁣

Saint David’s life was marked by simplicity and discipline — virtues we can apply today. As a priest, missionary, and bishop, he served tirelessly, embracing an austere lifestyle that rejected unnecessary comforts. Tradition tells us that he and his brothers refused to use oxen for plowing, laboring with their own hands instead. In our world of endless convenience, David’s example invites us to reflect on what comforts might be distracting us from deeper reliance on God. What might we relinquish to foster our spiritual growth?⁣

⁣David’s pilgrimage to Jerusalem, perilous in his time, reminds us that holiness requires perseverance and sacrifice. While few are called to travel great distances, all of us are called to be pilgrims of faith — seeking God earnestly through prayer, service, and daily choices. His life challenges us to embrace this journey with intentionality, knowing each step taken in faith draws us closer to Christ.⁣

⁣One of David’s final teachings, “Do the little things,” calls us beyond the ego’s pursuit of grand achievements. While we rightly honor the monumental sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus, we must not overlook the countless “little” moments of his life: conversations with the marginalized, care for the poor, and simple acts of love. David’s life encourages us to see the sacred in the ordinary, reminding us that daily acts of kindness, humility, and prayer shape us into disciples who reflect Christ’s love.⁣

As a proud descendant of a Welsh woman, I find deep inspiration in Saint David’s life and example. In my work as a counselor, my vocation as a husband and father, and my friendships, I try to do the little things each day — offering care, patience, and faithfulness in ways that often go unnoticed but matter deeply. As we celebrate Saint David’s feast day on March 1, may his legacy inspire all of us to live simply, serve humbly, and do the little things well.⁣

⁣Saint David, pray for us!

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