Read: Diocese of Lansing appoints new Associate Superintendent for Catholic Schools


Read: Diocese of Lansing appoints new Associate Superintendent for Catholic Schools

The Diocese of Lansing is delighted to announce that Mrs. Sarah Salow has been appointed Associate Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Lansing. Sarah is currently Director of Evangelization and Catechesis at St. Mary Parish in Pinckney. She will begin her new job later this month.

“Sarah is first and foremost a disciple of Jesus Christ and with her education background and experience in both Catholic schools and parish ministry, I look forward to bringing her onto our team to support all our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lansing,” said Tom Maloney, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Lansing.

A native of Farmington Hills, Michigan, Sarah Salow comes to her new role with degrees in Secondary Education and K-12 Administration from Hillsdale College and Michigan State University. Following college, Sarah taught in Catholic education at the 6-12 level in the Archdiocese of Detroit before coming to the Diocese of Lansing.

After marrying her husband, Tim, in 2015, Sarah moved to the Salow Family Farm in Stockbridge, Ingham County, and spent the following year directing a non-profit. She has been Director of Evangelization and Catechesis at Saint Mary in Pinckney for the past five years.

“What I most look forward to in my new job is helping principals, teachers, and staff bring Jesus Christ to the center of each school and each family through authentic Catholic education,” said Sarah.

The Diocese of Lansing contains 35 Catholic schools serving more than 8,000 elementary and high school students across 10 counties including the areas of Ann Arbor, Flint, Jackson, and Lansing. Enrollment across the 35 schools is currently up by 6% compared to last year.

Diocese of Lansing schools strive to assist parents in raising educated, wise, and virtuous children who will fulfill their God-give potential in this life and achieve Heaven in the next.

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