Read: Deacon Stories | Raymond Rzepecki


Read: Deacon Stories | Raymond Rzepecki

10 new deacons will be ordained for the Diocese of Lansing by Bishop Boyea on Saturday, May 13, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Deo gratias! Two of the diaconate candidates are seminarians who will progress, God willing, onto the sacred priesthood. Meanwhile the other eight are married men who will be ordained permanent deacons. That includes Raymond Rzepecki of Saint Gerard parish in Lansing, pictured above with wife Beth. Ray writes:

“My diaconal journey probably started like many others with suggestions from a variety of friends and co-workers that I should look into the possibility of becoming a deacon. Like many others, I brushed aside these suggestions thinking that I was not worthy. Even though, I have been involved with Catholic education all of my life, it was not until Deacon Sean Costello, suggested that I look into the diaconate, that I started actually considering this vocation. It seemed that God was sending me a clear message and calling me to discern a vocation as a deacon, While it has not been an easy journey, it has been a very fruitful journey. None of this would have been possible without the support of my wife, Beth, who was always there with her support and encouragement. I am very excited about being ordained on May 13 and serving God and His people in my role as a deacon for the Diocese of Lansing.”

Please keep Raymond and all the ordinands in your prayers in the days to come. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for them!

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