Out Now: FAITH Magazine | Schools Edition 2025


Out Now: FAITH Magazine | Schools Edition 2025

Coming to your mailbox very soon, if not already, the new edition of FAITH Magazine, the official publication of the Diocese of Lansing. The latest edition is dedicated to Catholic schools across the Diocese of Lansing coinciding, as it does, with Catholic Schools Week, January 26 – February 1, 2025. Within it’s pages:

▪️ Why the Patnaude family of Lansing, pictured on the front cover, have endorsed Catholic education six times over.
▪️ Why enrollment at Diocese of Lansing schools is up four years running;
▪️ Why a great Catholic teacher can change your life;
▪️ Why more Diocese of Lansing schools are adopting a no-phones policy;
▪️ And much, much more.

And if you can’t wait for FAITH Magazine to reach your home, you can click on the link below in order to read the latest edition. Enjoy! Click here: https://catholicmagazines.org/magazine-archive/faith-lansing/fm0225

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