

Mass Readings for May 7, 2024

Acts 16:22-34Psalms 138:1-3,7-8John 16:5-11 Acts 16:22-34(22) The multitude rose up together against them, and the magistrates tore their clothes from them, and commanded them to be beaten with rods. (23) When they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely, (24) who, having received such


Read: Clergy Assignments | May 6, 2024

Read: Clergy Assignments | May 6, 2024 May 06, 2024 Diocese of Lansing The Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, has announced the following clergy assignments, effective following diaconal ordination, May 11, 2024: Deacon Jonathon Bokuniewcz to diaconal ministry at Saint John the Baptist, Ypsilanti; Deacon Brett Ivey to diaconal ministry at Saint Joseph,


Mass Readings for May 6, 2024

Acts 16:11-15Psalms 149:1-6,9John 15:26-16:4 Acts 16:11-15(11) Setting sail therefore from Troas, we made a straight course to Samothrace, and the day following to Neapolis; (12) and from there to Philippi, which is a city of Macedonia, the foremost of the district, a Roman colony. We were staying some days in this city. (13) On the


Read: How your DSA generosity is forming our little ones in Christ

Read: How your DSA generosity is forming our little ones in Christ May 06, 2024 Diocese of Lansing Meet just some of the men and women from across the Diocese of Lansing who give of their time to teach our youngest children about Jesus Christ and His Holy Church through a catechetical method known as


Mass Readings for May 5, 2024

Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48Psalms 98:1-41 John 4:7-10John 15:9-17 Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48(25) When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, fell down at his feet, and worshiped him. (26) But Peter raised him up, saying, “Stand up! I myself am also a man.” (34) Peter opened his mouth and said, “Truly I perceive that God doesn’t show favoritism; (35) but in


Mass Readings for May 4, 2024

Acts 16:1-10Psalms 100:1-3,5John 15:18-21 Acts 16:1-10(1) He came to Derbe and Lystra: and behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewess who believed; but his father was a Greek. (2) The brothers who were at Lystra and Iconium gave a good testimony about him. (3) Paul wanted to have him


Mass Readings for May 3, 2024

1 Corinthians 15:1-8Psalms 19:2-5John 14:6-14 1 Corinthians 15:1-8(1) Now I declare to you, brothers, the Good News which I preached to you, which also you received, in which you also stand, (2) by which also you are saved, if you hold firmly the word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. (3) For


Read: Welcome to the Month of Mary

Read: Welcome to the Month of Mary May 01, 2024 Diocese of Lansing That’s right, welcome to May, the month of Mary. Ave Maria! The bishops of the United States unanimously chose the Blessed Virgin Mary as patroness of our country, on 13 May 1846. Mary also became patroness of the Diocese of Lansing upon