Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3Psalms 98:1-6Matthew 10:7-13 Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-321 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number that believed turned to the Lord. 22 News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23 When he came and saw the grace of
Prayers Upon the Threshold of Priesthood: Deacon John Vinton June 09, 2020 Diocese of Lansing Of your charity, please pray for Deacon John Vinton who will be ordained to the holy priesthood of Jesus Christ by Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing on Saturday, June 13, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Deo volente. Here
Death Notice: The Reverend Vincent D. Bui (1961 – 2020) R.I.P. June 10, 2020 Diocese of Lansing Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Father Vincent Bui P.S.S., Priest of the Diocese of Lansing, who died yesterday, June 9, 2020, of COVID-19. He was 58-years-old. May he rest in in
Prayers Upon the Threshold of Diaconate: Mark Martin II June 10, 2020 Diocese of Lansing Of your charity, please pray for Mark Martin II who will be ordained to the diaconate on Saturday, June 13, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. God willing, next year will see Mark ordained as a priest for the
1 Kings 18:20-39Psalms 16:1-2, 4-5, 8, 11Matthew 5:17-19 1 Kings 18:20-3920 So Ahab sent to all the people of Israel, and gathered the prophets together at Mount Carmel. 21 And Eli’jah came near to all the people, and said, “How long will you go limping with two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow
Prayers Upon the Threshold of Priesthood: Deacon Michael Cassar June 08, 2020 Diocese of Lansing Of your charity, please pray for Deacon Michael Cassar who will be ordained to the holy priesthood of Jesus Christ by Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing on Saturday, June 13, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Deo volente. Here
Watch: Day 7: Bishop Boyea & The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Fear of the Lord June 09, 2020 Diocese of Lansing As the Holy Spirit descends upon the parishes, clergy and lay faithful of the Diocese of Lansing in the wake of the great Solemnity of Pentecost, Bishop Earl Boyea now invites you to
1 Kings 17:7-16Psalms 4:2-5, 7-8Matthew 5:13-16 1 Kings 17:7-167 And after a while the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land. 8 Then the word of the LORD came to him, 9 “Arise, go to Zar’ephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to
Ordination Novena June 05, 2020 Diocese of Lansing Dear Friends, Of your charity, you are invited to pray a novena for those men who will be ordained to the holy priesthood for the Diocese of Lansing on Saturday, June 13, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. They are: Deacon Michael Cassar Deacon John Vinton
Happy Feast of Saint Boniface, Apostle to to the Germans June 05, 2020 Diocese of Lansing Today is the Feast of Saint Boniface, the 7-8th century English Benedictine monk who became the great Apostle of the Germans. Happy Feast Day! But why is the life, legacy and heavenly patronage of Saint Boniface of relevance to