

Mass Readings for March 3, 2025

Sirach 17:20-24Psalms 32:1-2,5-7Mark 10:17-27 Sirach 17:20-24(20) Their iniquities are not hid from him; And all their sins are before the Lord. (21) (22) With him the alms of a man is as a signet; And he will keep the bounty of a man as the apple of the eye. (23) Afterwards he will rise up


Mass Readings for March 2, 2025

Sirach 27:4-7Psalms 92:1-2,12-151 Corinthians 15:54-58Luke 6:39-45 Sirach 27:4-7(4) In the shaking of a sieve, the refuse remains; So the filth of man in his reasoning. (5) The furnace will prove the potter’s vessels; And the trial of a man is in his reasoning. (6) The fruit of a tree declares the husbandry thereof; So is


Mass Readings for March 1, 2025

Sirach 17:1-15Psalms 103:13-18Mark 10:13-16 Sirach 17:1-15(1) The Lord created man of the earth, And turned him back to it again. (2) He gave them days by number, and a set time, And gave them authority over the things that are thereon. (3) He endued them with strength proper to them; And made them according to


Read: Truth in Love | Diocesan gathering studies a Catholic response to "gender theory"

Read: Truth in Love | Diocesan gathering studies a Catholic response to “gender theory” February 28, 2025 Diocese of Lansing While the so-called “transgender” movement seems to be in a moment of cultural retreat, Catholics are still called upon to offer truth in love to those afflicted by gender dysphoria. That was a key conclusion


Mass Readings for February 28, 2025

Sirach 6:5-17Psalms 119:12,16,18,27,34-35Mark 10:1-12 Sirach 6:5-17(5) Sweet words will multiply a man’s friends; And a fair-speaking tongue will multiply courtesies. (6) Let those that are at peace with you be many; But your counselors one of a thousand. (7) If you would get you a friend, get him by proving, And be not in haste


Mass Readings for February 27, 2025

Sirach 5:1-8Psalms 1:1-4,6Mark 9:41-50 Sirach 5:1-8(1) Set not your heart upon your goods; And say not, They are sufficient for me. (2) Follow not your own mind and your strength, To walk in the desires of your heart; (3) And say not, Who will have dominion over me? For the Lord will surely take vengeance