Invitation: Young Adults Lenten Retreat | April 8-10, 2022


Invitation: Young Adults Lenten Retreat | April 8-10, 2022

Are you a young adult looking to make a good retreat this Lent? Would you like to learn to discern the will of God in your daily life as directed by the great 16th spiritual master, Saint Ignatius of Loyola? If yes to both, do read this invitation to you from Dawn Hausmann, Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Lansing. Dawn writes:

Dear Young Adults of the Diocese of Lansing,

If you are looking for a good retreat during Lent that is spiritual as well as practical, this Discernment of Everyday Living Retreat (April 8-10) will be a blessing you!

Do you have questions that come up in your spiritual life like: How do I know if this is the voice of God or if it’s the influence of the Enemy? I want to make decisions according to God’s will but how do I really know what he wants for my life and what decision I’m to make in this moment (buy a house, ask my girlfriend to marry me, change jobs, etc.)? These are just a few of the questions that we hope you will find answers to or at least have new tools to seek and find the right answer from our time together.

If you haven’t experienced the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola’s 14 Rules of Discernment of Spirits for skills of everyday living and discerning the voice of God in your life, you are in for a real life change and quite a treat! This retreat will help you become more aware and sensitive to the spiritual movements of the heart, help you understand them, and learn how to act from that knowledge. Knowing the 14 rules have changed people’s lives…including the lives of your presenters over this weekend who will share various life stories of this as well as stories of other people’s lives. Many young adults who’ve been on this retreat with us have said that this was one of the best retreats that they’ve attended before as it was helpful for their everyday life and decisions.

This retreat will be held in Brooklyn, MI at the De Sales Center on Vineyard lake where you will find a cozy chapel to spend time with Jesus, many hiking trails to walk, lovely views of the lake for you to enjoy as you have a cup of coffee on the porch of Lawrence Lodge where we will be staying, and more. The retreat will begin Friday evening at 7pm and end by Sunday at 1pm. We will have Mass both Saturday and Sunday. Confession will be available. Opportunities of prayer experiences and discernment exercises will be offered for individual as well as communal sessions. Meals for all of Saturday and through lunch on Sunday will be provided.

If you have any questions regarding more details, contact Dawn Hausmann 517-342-2506 or


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