Numbers 24:2-7,15-17Psalms 25:4-9Matthew 21:23-27 Numbers 24:2-7,15-17(2) Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel dwelling according to their tribes; and the Spirit of God came on him. (3) He took up his parable, and said, “Balaam the son of Beor says, the man whose eyes are open says; (4) he says, who hears the
Read: Attorney General Report suggests 1970’s and 80’s peak decades for alleged instances of abuse in Diocese of Lansing December 16, 2024 Diocese of Lansing A new report by the Michigan Department of Attorney General suggests that the 1970s and 80’s were the peak decades for alleged instances of sexual misconduct involving clerics of the
Zephaniah 3:14-18Isaiah 12:2-6Philippians 4:4-7Luke 3:10-18 Zephaniah 3:14-18(14) Sing, daughter of Zion! Shout, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem. (15) Yahweh has taken away your judgments. He has thrown out your enemy. The King of Israel, Yahweh, is among you. You will not be afraid of evil any more. (16)
Watch: Be My Witnesses | A Personal Invitation from Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing December 14, 2024 Diocese of Lansing December 15, 2024 Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday Dear friend, Jesus Christ says: “You will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea
Sirach 48:1-4,9-11Psalms 80:2-3,15-16,18-19Matthew 17:9,10-13 Sirach 48:1-4,9-11(1) Also there arose Elijah the prophet as fire, And his word burned like a torch: (2) Who brought a famine upon them, And by his zeal made them few in number. (3) By the word of the Lord he shut up the heaven: Thrice did he thus bring down
Read: “How to celebrate Saint Lucy’s Day” by little Lucy Stenlund’s dad, Benjamin December 13, 2024 Diocese of Lansing Have you ever heard of Saint Lucy of Syracuse? She was a young martyr who lived in the 4th century in Italy and is celebrated in many Scandinavian countries on her feast day, December 13. That’s
Isaiah 48:17-19Psalms 1:1-4,6Matthew 11:16-19 Isaiah 48:17-19(17) Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says: “I am Yahweh your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way that you should go. (18) Oh that you had listened to my commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your
Zechariah 2:10-13Judith 13:18-19Luke 1:26-38 Zechariah 2:10-13(10) Sing and rejoice, daughter of Zion; for, behold, I come, and I will dwell within you,’ says Yahweh. (11) Many nations shall join themselves to Yahweh in that day, and shall be my people; and I will dwell among you, and you shall know that Yahweh of Armies has
Read: “Why I love Our Lady of Guadalupe” by Susana Chapa Vargas, Coordinator of the Hispanic Ministry, Diocese of Lansing December 12, 2024 Diocese of Lansing Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Happy Feast Day! t was in December 1531 that the Virgin Mary first appeared before an indigenous Mexican peasant, Saint
Watch: Bethlehem comes to Williamston | Winter Wonderland Light Parade 2024 December 11, 2024 Diocese of Lansing Bethlehem came to the heart of Williamston on Saturday night as the parishioners of Saint Mary parish participated in the town’s annual Winter Wonderland Light Parade, December 7. “Our church wanted to bring the light of Christ to