Available Now: Holy Week at Home Resources


Available Now: Holy Week at Home Resources

Welcome to Holy Week! Let us begin the final part of our Lenten pilgrimage with Christ towards his Passion, Cross, Death on Good Friday and onto his Resurrection on Easter Sunday. With public liturgies temporarily suspended due to the present COVID-19 outbreak, the Diocese of Lansing has prepared resources to help you and your family live Holy Week at home.

“Since we cannot gather as communities of faith, I invite you to celebrate each of the days of Holy Week in your family, or what we often call the Domestic Church, the home church,” said Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing in a video message launching the resources, April 4.

“I would also ask you to invite some single person, perhaps a grandparent or aunt or uncle of neighbor to join you by phone or computer when you use some of the resources we have prepared for you.”

The Holy Week at Home resources are available on the Diocese of Lansing website here: https://www.dioceseoflansing.org/holy-week-resources.

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