An Invitation to Lockdown Married Couples


An Invitation to Lockdown Married Couples

How is your marriage getting on during the lockdown? How is family life doing? Do you want both to get better? If so, you are invited to “Be Light: Marriage Renewal Date Night Series” organized by Witness to Love, launching Sunday April 26 and continuing for five nights.

“For many married couples, the present lockdown will have stress-tested their marital relationship in way that has highlighted both strengths and, yes, areas for improvement,” says Rich Budd, Director of Marriage & Family for the Diocese of Lansing, April 20.

“If things are broken, now is the time to fix them. If things are good, now is the time to aim for great. The Be Light Date Night Series can and will help all married couples progress in their love of God, progress in their love for each other and in their love for their families.”

Rich and his wife Maureen are one of the Date Night mentor couples. Each date night will be available after 7pm CST from April 26 to 30. Witness to Love encourages you to attend each virtual date night with couples you are friends with and discuss the follow up questions with them each night.

Together you will explore various topics including belonging, expectations, the need for community, couples works of mercy and living as missionary disciples. You will also deep-dive into catechesis, marriage formation and evangelization as we grow closer to our beloved and in relationship with God.

The series is designed to meet the needs of couples who want to use the challenge of social distancing to grow closer to each other and build relationships with other couples.

Each date night will include a video from a dynamic couple, reflection questions and recommended resources. The feel of each evening promises to be a combination of date night/parish mission/retreat/small group.

Learn more and register at

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