Watch: Week 1 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea


Watch: Week 1 | Be My Witnesses w/ Bishop Boyea

January 3, 2025

Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus 

Dear Friends,

We are about to begin a new year-long journey, Be My Witnesses. Welcome! You know how I enjoy acronyms, so this one is BMW. The title for our journey this coming year is found in the Acts of the Apostles (1:8). As Jesus prepares to ascend to the Father, he tells his apostles: “But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Notice, this is not a command but a prophecy. It is appropriate that we start with the Acts of the Apostles today since this year, 2025, we will be focusing on Saint Luke’s Gospel every Sunday. And Saint Luke was the author of the Acts as well.

We have been emphasizing our celebration of the Eucharist these past couple of years, a lasting gift from Jesus for all of us who have been baptized in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, though, it is time for us to “Go Forth” as we do each time we leave Mass, to go forth and be those witnesses which Jesus prophesied we would be. How well do we do this at present? Not at all well suggests the evidence. Let me explain.

Since 2020, the Pennsylvania-based Catholic Leadership Institute have been questioning thousands of our parishioners every year. The annual survey is known as the Disciple Maker Index. The results are startling. When it comes to belief in God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Church, and all that she teaches, we have a very faithful and, even, fervent diocese. For example, over 91% of our parishioners agree that the Holy Eucharist is the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It’s a similar big number for all those big questions. We love Christ and we love the Church. And yet, when the Disciple Maker Index asks us if we ever share that love with others, the survey result drops way down the teens. Perhaps some of us fear rejection. Perhaps some of us feel ill equipped. Perhaps some of us believe that religion is a private matter.

Whatever the reason, responding to Christ’s call to be his witnesses in the world – to our friends, family, work colleagues – can be a daunting challenge for all of us. So, week-by-week, let us take “baby steps” and fulfill what Jesus said we would do. We are not alone since the Holy Spirit is with us to accomplish this work. As you know, this coming year, 2025, is a Holy Year during which the Holy Father has asked us to proclaim the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is the heart of being HIS witnesses to the world.

Being missionary, being apostolic, trying to bring others to Christ, is intrinsic to the life of a Christian. It’s not an optional extra. Why?

Because every human heart is made for Jesus Christ. Just as a fish needs water and a tree needs clean air, living in communion with Jesus Christ is the environment within which we can best find true human flourishing. It is in encountering Christ that we discover our greatest peace, meaning and happiness in this life – and the next. As Saint Augustine of Hippo eloquently puts it: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

What is more, we live at a moment in time when so many of those around us are living lives of quiet desperation. They’re not waving, they’re drowning. Those friends, family members and work colleagues? They need Christ.

Hence, week-by-week, we will follow seven cycles each of which will begin with prayer, include some learning, focus on our belonging, and finally leading to actions of mission. We always need to start with prayer, with our relationship with God. There is no point in going forth to share something with others when we are “on empty” ourselves. Second, we are always open to learning something about our faith to make sure that our minds and hearts are united in following Christ. Third, we are not alone. We belong to the Body of Christ. Jesus wants us to be missionaries together. Finally, we do have to get moving. My favorite Mass ending is, “Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord.” This needs to be the stance of every disciple of Jesus Christ.

And so to a challenge for this first week of Be My Witnesses: To get started, I ask you to consider two tasks before we meet again next week. First of all, ask the Holy Spirit to be with us on this journey. Second, consider inviting someone to journey with you.

There will be challenges in the coming weeks during which you will be asked to share with another prayers, thoughts, and even actions.

Until next week, may God Bless you.

I am sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Earl Boyea

Bishop of Lansing

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