Read: A Special New Year Message from Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing


Read: A Special New Year Message from Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing

2024 has been a wonderful year due to the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, writes Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing upon the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, January 1, 2025.

I was so moved especially by the Eucharistic Procession through the streets of our host city with thousands of people praying us forward. However, it was not meant to end there. We, all of us, we commissioned to go forth and be missionary disciples. It was clear that those who participated in the Eucharistic Congress were fully committed Catholics. So, the challenge to engage with the year 2025 as missionaries made great sense.

This all fits in so well with the weekly encounters you could have with me as we proceed with a formation program which will include prayer, learning, knowing we belong and are not alone, and finally some actual mission activities. I have called this, BMW, “Be my witnesses.” So, sisters and brothers, we who are fellow believers in Jesus Christ and his Church, let us indeed go forth and Announce the Gospel of the Lord.

Pope Francis has designated this new year as a Holy Year, one during which he challenges us to be Pilgrims of Hope. There is no better hope for our fellow sisters and brothers in our society than the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We want to bring others along our pilgrimage this coming year, 2025, and we will be able to do so by sharing the very hope that we cherish in our hearts. Let the very Name of Jesus be in our hearts and on our lips. Happy New Year!

* To sign up for Be My Witnesses with Bishop Boyea, go to:

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