Today upon the feast of Saint Padre Pio (1887 –1968), we pray for all those within the Diocese of Lansing who are endeavoring to establish new healthcare facilities inspired by the great 20th century Italian cleric. The project is based in Howell and is the initiative of the apostolate, Catholic Healthcare International. Their vision is already becoming a reality through the following projects:
• A replica of Padre Pio’s Home for the Relief of Suffering Medical Center in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, is anticipated with a purchase agreement in place for a building in Howell;
• An agreement has been executed to implement a Saint Padre Pio Institute for the Relief of Suffering, School of Osteopathic Medicine on the Howell campus;
• A collaboration for a Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured is being developed;
• The first-ever Worldwide Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Program with adoration warriors around the world praying nonstop for the success of our initiatives;
• Three new formally chartered Padre Pio Prayer Groups in the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan, and;
• Bishop Boyea and the Diocese of Lansing have donated a peacefully serene 40-acre plot of land for our Padre Pio Prayer Campus with a planned Saint Pio Eucharistic Adoration Chapel to experience and worship the presence of God and four, miles-long themed prayer trails to inspire pilgrims who join us in prayer.
“Through a direct and miraculous call from Saint Pio, Catholic Healthcare International will replicate his healing and spiritual charisms in the Diocese of Lansing,” said Ann O’Reilly, Assistant to the President of Catholic Healthcare International.
“That includes opening a medical center focusing on life issues and a medical school to train generations of peaceful warriors who will stand for life and human dignity, armored with true Catholic principles and unafraid to evangelize the Good News of Jesus Christ in their practice.”
Founded in 2004, Catholic Healthcare International’s apostolate is inspired by the 20th century Italian Capuchin friar Saint Padre Pio and, especially, his care for the sick and dying as practiced at his Home for the Relief of Suffering at San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, which was founded by the saint himself in 1956.
Saint Padre Pio, pray for us!
• For more information go to: