Read: Why you should get to know the Augustine Institute by Jeremy Priest, Director of the Office of Worship


Read: Why you should get to know the Augustine Institute by Jeremy Priest, Director of the Office of Worship

Do you know about the Augustine Institute? No? Upon today’s Feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo, August 28, Jeremy Priest, Director of the Office of Worship for the Diocese of Lansing, explains what the Augustine Institute is and why you should find out more about it.

“Begun in the Archdiocese of Denver in 2005, the Augustine Institute brings the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through an online and in-person graduate school, video productions, short courses, study programs, books, talks, and multimedia resources. If you’re familiar with, then you’re familiar with the Augustine Institute,” says Jeremy.

“The Augustine Institute aims to bring to the people of our time what Saint Augustine sought to do in his: to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ by equipping Catholics intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally.” Want to know more? Click here:

Happy feast day of Saint Augustine of Hippo to the Augustine Institute! Saint Augustine, pray for us!

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