Bishop’s Year of the Bible Webinar: Second Samuel & The Davidic Kingdom w/ Dr. Dan Keating | 8pm | Thursday, September 30, 2021


Bishop’s Year of the Bible Webinar: Second Samuel & The Davidic Kingdom w/ Dr. Dan Keating | 8pm | Thursday, September 30, 2021

Next week, Bishop Boyea’s Year of the Bible begins reading the Second Book of Samuel. In this Old Testament book, God continues His covenantal care for Israel in the establishment of the Davidic kingdom through the Covenant with David and his descendants.

On Thursday, September 30, you are invited to take part in a webinar with Dr. Dan Keating of Sacred Heart Major Seminary on how to get the most from reading this book of the Bible. All are very welcome. The webinar begins at 8pm. The Zoom link for the webinar is here:

Webinar Zoom link:

Dr. Dan Keating is Professor of Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary where he teaches on the Church Fathers, Ecumenism, and the New Evangelization.

Dr. Keating is a graduate of University of Michigan; Sacred Heart Major Seminary; and Oxford University. He received his doctorate in theology from Oxford University.

He is the author of The Appropriation of Divine Life in Cyril of Alexandria (2004), Deification and Grace (2007), First and Second Peter, Jude (2011), and co-author of James, 1-3 John (2017), co-author of Athanasius and His Legacy (2017), and The Adventure of Discipleship (2018). He is a Catholic participant in the annual meeting of the national Catholic-Evangelical dialogue. Full Zoom details here:


Topic: BYOB Webinar w/ Dr. Dan Keating

Time: Sep 30, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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