Today Bishop Boyea’s Year of the Bible began a new book: The Book of Exodus. This is the second book of the Holy Bible. It is all about God’s formation of a people of the covenant.
“As we read and meditate on these various chapters, let us know that Jesus is our new Moses whose only desire is to form us to be his brothers and sisters. He too, like Moses, does so with faith, with love, and with firmness always to our good,” says Bishop Boyea in his introductory video to the Book of Exodus, July 21.
The BIshop’s Year of the Bible is an initiative by Bishop Boyea to read through the story of salvation history as recounted in sacred scripture over the course of 12 months. Subscribers receive a Bible chapter each day with accompanying commentary and opportunity for prayer. To sign up or know more about the Bishop’s Year of the Bible go to: