Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing invites you to attend the annual Michigan March for Life on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 1pm at the State Capitol Building in Lansing. He says:
“Hello. I’m Bishop Earl Boyea of the Diocese of Lansing. I would like to encourage you to attend the annual Michigan March for Life which is taking place at the State Capitol in Lansing on Wednesday, January the 27th. The event starts at 1pm.”
“Our gathering will prayerfully commemorate the Supreme Court’s ruling in 1973 which legalized abortion across the United States. 48-years-on and more and more of us realize that we have all suffered as a result of that baleful decision. The babies who have been killed. The mothers who have been left grieving. The families who have struggled to recover from their loss. The society that is divided and demoralized by a heavy burden of guilt.”
“When it comes to abortion, nobody wins. In fact, we all lose. There has to be a better way. There is a better way. That is why I encourage you to attend the March for Life later this month. Thank you. God bless you.”
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