Invitation: Michigan Catholic Women's Conference 2024


Invitation: Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference 2024

Bishop Earl Boyea invites you to attend the annual Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference on Saturday, October 12, in Lansing.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Be Loved, Be Radiant” which is inspired by the following passage in the Book of Isaiah: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Then you shall see and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and rejoice.” (Isaiah 60:1, 5)

“The scripture verse chosen for this year tells us two really important things,” says Bishop Boyea, “First, that the Lord desires to share with each one of us His radiance and His love. That radiance and love are there, available to each of us if only for the asking.”

“And second, Isaiah calls us to action! We must Arise. We must respond to His invitation. Then, we can and will reflect the light and radiance of Jesus out to others.” The speakers at this year’s Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference include:

* Heather Khym, co-host of the internationally popular Abiding Together Podcast and author of Abide: A Pathway to Transformative Healing and Intimacy in Jesus.

* Pete Burak, Vice-President of the Ann Arbor-based Renewal Ministries, a ministry dedicated to Catholic renewal and evangelization around the world.

* Father Jason Brooks of the Regnum Christi Healing Ministry in Detroit where he also serves as a Chaplain for the adult lay members of the Regnum Christi Federation.

* Sheri Wohlfert, popular Catholic speaker, writer and founder of Joyful Words Ministries as well as a parishioner and school teacher at Saint Mary in Westphalia.

The day will also include ample time for Eucharistic adoration, confession, social time and will conclude with Holy Mass. All women are very welcome. Click here to register:




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